On the road again, we are now heading for our final destination, and that is Lake Eyre. We hope to see it while there is still water in it, as this is really a once in a lifetime chance. We head out to Williams Creek pub, what an incredible little pub. So much character in such a small place.
Guess where...
Some of the William Ck locals.
William Creek also has a nifty little exhibit dedicated to the rockets and missiles launched around the area.
This was the first stage of a rocket.. cool huh.
From here its about 70kms to the lake. We opt for the camp site at Halligans Bay.
Back on to the Oodnadatta track and headed for Lake Eyre
We arrive and setup camp. Relax, fly the kite (I knew we brought this for a reason) and have a beer.
On the shores of Lake Eyre
A lady from a bus tour wanders over and starts to photograph us and our cars... She asks if we mind, as she has a Disco and her son said it would never make it out to the desert...must have been a Toyota boy ; ) It's amazing the misconceptions people have about the Disco.
A Bearded Dragon I believe....found on the way to the lake.
As the sun gets close to setting, I grab the camera and walk out into the lake. The sunset was truly awe inspiring. The sun flaming through the still existent smoke haze on the far far horizon. The lake is mirror still giving an incredible reflection of the sun and all the colours of the clouds. This is the second highlight for me, and I must have shot off about 15 photos of the sun at various stages.
The magical sunset over Lake Eyre
That night we celebrate with champagne and cigars, as this is the end of our trip. From here on it is only transit back home.
Sitting amidst our chokky was one really pissed off spider. He was reared up and attacking anything that came near....I guess he really liked the Flake.
Just after midnight a gale slams into the tent. James and I are up and pulling down our tarps, and everything else that was blowing over.
Back into the tent, the howling wind was relentless. Our tent was nearly folded over in half (We were not using a fly as it was too hot) The only way I could fix this was to move the car beside the tent and tie the tent to the car. This at least allowed us to lie down without the side of the tent hammering us in the face. We slept little that night. James' swag was all blown up like a windsock...quite a sight really.