Day 4: Monday 19th September

Sunrise over Big Red.

We woke to a lovely sunny day, and a swarm of flies. Food was scoffed down and we packed camp with haste to escape the onslaught of the small winged demons. Dune after dune, we travelled on. The scenery was magnificent. Still green from a great wet season, flowers and wildlife abounded. The birdlife in the desert was amazing.

One of the many birds of prey found in the desert.

Early on in the day, James noticed that he had split the supporting leaves in both of his rear leaf packs. This was not good, but he felt they were ok to drive on. We came to the first of the major salt What a sight. Definite picture time here. 

Lake Poeppel I believe.

We had covered some decent ground and were only a few kays from Poeppels Corner (Where QLD, NT and SA meet). When we finally found it, we stopped again and took the mandatory photo's and had a couple of cold drinks.

Do I really need to explain this one ?

James checked his truck and found that one of the split springs was near to falling out. This left no choice but to operate. It took a couple of hours under a bitching hot sun, but we eventually pulled the broken leaf, and bolted everything back together again. Needless to say Di was not too happy about this, but unfortunately things go wrong sometimes. 

Back on the track and about 10 kays on from Poeppels and James radio's that he has snapped a tailshaft. My blood goes cold as I realise that this is not what we wanted at all. I turn around and head back to find James. He is not looking like a happy camper, and says he lost concentration and hit a mound on the side of the track. As the front airbourned, the suspension extended to full travel (and then some) allowing the front shaft to pop out of the yoke.

In the middle of the desert with a disabled vehicle is not a good place to be.

We pull it apart and try to get it back together again, but it took a beating and is rooted. We have no choice but to camp  beside the track and decide on our next course of action.

James attempting to realign the didn't work.

We know we are close to the K1 line (Thus the rig road) which is apparently an easy path through. Turning back is not an option as the track back is worse than the one ahead.

There is no way we can get the front spline to fit, so we have no choice but to pull the whole shaft and leave it in 2WD. 

Camp that night was quiet. No one really saying much, everyone either pissed off or disappointed. James and I concur that we take everything of substantial weight and load the disco up, allowing an easy progress for the 2WD Hilux. 

We eat, have a drink and sleep with a small fire.